' view me in profile Just like the Bible, except less sex MAIL ME YOUR PRAYERS Write your own Bible at Diaryland!

The sermon for Jan. 08, 2003 is: Od und leer das meer

4:52 p.m. I just must say -- it's raining here, now; everyone at work is wandering out to the parking lots, to look at the two glorious rainbows gleaming in the wide blue sky. It's like being a kid again.

This reminds me -- yesterday, me, Grace and Larsen hung out just chatting and eating Popeye's Fried Chicken. Grace asked, "What are the three qualities that you're looking for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?" She handed out slips of paper. I wrote,

  1. as cute as Larsen, if not cuter

  2. under 30 years old

  3. breathing

. Grace wrote,

  1. fidelity

  2. sense of humour

  3. loyalty.

"Oh come on, Jonathan, be serious," she said when I read my list. Larsen was blushing. I gave his knee a friendly little scratch. "Not now," he said in a stage whisper.

Larsen had written,

  1. career

  2. sense of humour

  3. willing to talk with me about anything forever and ever, but only when I want to.

"Come on, Jonathan," Larsen said, "be serious. And stop touching me."

I wrote,

  1. fidelity

  2. sense of humour

  3. loyalty

."COME ON, JONATHAN!!" Grace and Larsen shrieked.

Okay, okay. The three qualities I look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?

  1. literate

  2. quirky

  3. childlike

"You know, you've just described yourself," Grace said. She laughed. "I think I just described myself too."

"Huh," Larsen said. He slapped my hand. "Stop touching me!"

flip flop

Sept. 25, 2004
the Funny Show
Sept. 23, 2004
agriculture poem
Sept. 23, 2004
my life in the ghost of Bush
Sept. 18, 2004
time-lapsed (part 1)
Sept. 16, 2004
Goodbye present, hello past

Images are taken without permission from the fine and trusting folks at Folk Arts of Poland; please purchase something from them. Background music stolen without permission from Epitonic, Basta Music, and just about everywhere else my unscrupulous hands could grab something. No rights reserved.