' view me in profile Just like the Bible, except less sex MAIL ME YOUR PRAYERS Write your own Bible at Diaryland!

The sermon for May. 05, 2004 is: soundtrack for today (taking requests)

1:05 p.m. I'm listening to Mexican easy listening. It's just as easy as all the rest of the world.

Addendum 7:47 pm.My boy Matthew Ness has turned his livejournal, once a catalogue of in-ster hip-ster jargon and places to eat and piss without paying in San Francisco, into something called an "mp3blog." God knows I read it more often these days, now that there's stuff to download! (Soon, I surmise, there shall be wonderful Jeff Stryker things to be got thereat as well.) I recommend any packrats out there, who (like me) downloads any warez, crackz, porn, mp3s, McLaughlin Group transcriptions and the like to save for rainy days ahead, to give Matt's site a look-see. Come for the pirated mp3s, and stay for the Mattness-pie!

flip flop

Sept. 25, 2004
the Funny Show
Sept. 23, 2004
agriculture poem
Sept. 23, 2004
my life in the ghost of Bush
Sept. 18, 2004
time-lapsed (part 1)
Sept. 16, 2004
Goodbye present, hello past

Images are taken without permission from the fine and trusting folks at Folk Arts of Poland; please purchase something from them. Background music stolen without permission from Epitonic, Basta Music, and just about everywhere else my unscrupulous hands could grab something. No rights reserved.